IGM Polgár Judit.
Best female player in the history of chess, Internacional Grandmaster and mother.
III Torneo Magistral Comunidad de Madrid achieving the best result for a woman in history,aged 17.
III Torneo Magistral Comunidad de Madrid achieving the best result for a woman in history,aged 17.
Spain, Madrid, Auditorio de la ONCE, Pº de la Habana, 208
7 May 1994
Miguel Illescas vs Judit Polgar
More info here :
13 May 1994 Polgár Judit achieved a historic victory in Madrid by LEONTXO GARCÍA / El País
17 May 1994 "Worth working very hard" interview by LEONTXO GARCÍA / El País
Torneo Comunidad de Madrid, May 1994
Illescas Cordoba, Miguel (2590) vs. Polgar, Judit (2630)
Polgár Judit dot COM
Polgár Judit by Jaksa Tímea
Antonio Gude Blog/LA MANO DE DIOS de Га́рри Ки́мович Каспа́ров (Garry Kimovich Kasparov´s Hand of God) Editorial de RIA nº 80 (mayo 1994, p. 5) & Meridion Films with information by the ineffable Raymond Keene/The Times, London, 2 April 1994. With Photos !
9 March 1994 LEONTXO GARCÍA / El País
Polgár Judit (2630) vs. Garry Kaspárov (2805) Linares 12th, 1994.
Linares 12th February-March 1994
The Hand of God in Chess by Lubomir Kavalek / Huffingtonpost.com
More by Chessdom.com
Grandmasters # Gerta Pohorylle, Gerda Taro
7 May 1994
Miguel Illescas vs Judit Polgar
"Judit Polgár´s Piercing Eyes"
More info here :
13 May 1994 Polgár Judit achieved a historic victory in Madrid by LEONTXO GARCÍA / El País
17 May 1994 "Worth working very hard" interview by LEONTXO GARCÍA / El País
Torneo Comunidad de Madrid, May 1994
Illescas Cordoba, Miguel (2590) vs. Polgar, Judit (2630)
Polgár Judit dot COM
Polgár Judit by Jaksa Tímea
36. ..., Cd7-c5, and Га́рри Ки́мович Каспа́ров rectified 36. ..., Cf8. Linares 1994. Arbitrator : Carlos Falcón Mr Garry Kimovich Kasparov you are a trickster NEW ErranTum Lumen dixit. |
Antonio Gude Blog/LA MANO DE DIOS de Га́рри Ки́мович Каспа́ров (Garry Kimovich Kasparov´s Hand of God) Editorial de RIA nº 80 (mayo 1994, p. 5) & Meridion Films with information by the ineffable Raymond Keene/The Times, London, 2 April 1994. With Photos !
9 March 1994 LEONTXO GARCÍA / El País
Polgár Judit (2630) vs. Garry Kaspárov (2805) Linares 12th, 1994.
Linares 12th February-March 1994
The Hand of God in Chess by Lubomir Kavalek / Huffingtonpost.com
More by Chessdom.com
Grandmasters # Gerta Pohorylle, Gerda Taro